About Rainbow Routes
An inspiring trail network throughout Greater Sudbury that links communities, and meets diverse outdoor recreation and healthy living needs.
Rainbow Routes Association is dedicated to Greater Sudbury's urban transformation toward becoming a healthier and more vibrant place to live. We advance and promote trails and non-motorized routes to provide citizens with active, healthy, and affordable recreation and transportation opportunities. We provide leadership, create partnerships, and engage the community to continuously improve our trail network, and offer outstanding natural experiences.
The Values and Goals
Enhance Trail System
Complete trail connections
Prioritize signature projects that enhance route connectivity and have high community support
Develop 4th edition of Trail Map with fundraising potential
Further engage trail users and volunteers through Programming, including Events and Activities
Provide inclusive programming that meets diverse groups’ needs
Promote trail system
Increase Trail System Investment
Increase full time staff by minimum 1 FTE
Increase trail programming by one environmental-led program
Governance Development including
Governance Education - Directors and ED
Review/Update Articles of Incorporation and By-law
Implement Fund Development Plan including
Marketing and Fundraising strategies
Multiple income streams
Effective finance policy and practices
The Executive Director manages the organization’s operations and activities under the strategic direction of an elected board of directors. All must be passionate about active transportation and our connection to nature through trails.
Dedicated Community volunteers forming the 2024 Board of Directors are:
David Chezzi, President & Chair of the Board
Dawn Brown,Vice President
Grant Hagedorn, Secretary
Nick Cassio, Treasurer
Steven Townend, Director
Peter Beckett, Director
Chantal Crigger, Director
Melanie Landry, Director
Tanya Vandenburg, Director
Rob Klein, Director
Robert (Bob) Miller, Director
Rachel Mantas, Executive Director
Cindy Crocker, Volunteer Coordinator