Big Nickel Trail

Location: Quinn Street (Gatchell) to Dynamic Earth
Parking: Available at Dynamic Earth, or at the Quinn/Logan Tot Lot

Modes of Transportation: walk, bike
Lengths: 0.35km (main loop, one way) Level of Difficulty: easy but steep (Avg.10% grade), exposed to elements (high sun/wind)
Trail Surface: crusherdust, avg width 1.5m
Trail Type: linear
Trail Head: Quinn Street & Dynamic Earth Parking lot

Trail Highlights:

  • Scenic, picturesque, short, heart pumping
  • The route provides an active transportation trail to Dynamic Earth (and which connects to Lorne Street infrastructure)
  • A scavenger hunt game encourages young trail users to play along the route and find minerals and native tree species.
  • A “Small Adventurers” path on exposed bedrock encourages safe and more challening trekking for young ones.
  • A rock staircase and very steep connector loops the trail switchbacks for an added physical challenge.

Trail Map:

Trail Map.jpg