Fisher Wavy Trail

This trail is included on the Greater Sudbury segment of The Trans Canada Trail

Location: Gatchell
Parking: 1 parking lot off of Kelly Lake Road.
Directions: The trail entrance is located off of Kelly Lake Rd, on the left side of Junction Creek. Free parking is available at the beginning of the trail.

Modes of Transportation: walk, snowshoe
Length: 1.7 km
Difficulty Level: easy
Trail Surface: hardpack
Trail Type: linear
Trail Head (West): 17 T 497465 5145908
Trail Head (East):17 T 498643 5146700

Trail Highlights:

  • Extends from Kelly Lake to Martindale Road

  • Is a part of the Trans Canada Trail (TCT) and Junction Creek Waterway Park (JCWP)

  • Connects to the Copper Cliff Trail

Trail Map